الأحد، 11 مارس 2012

Community Projects Planning and Implementation, Sanaa Communities

A Game of Charades Towards Community Action

In Aden 17 youth alumni of U.S. Government programming (8 males, 9 females) were invited to attend a week-long series of workshops centered around community assessment, youth positive engagement, environmental communities, presentation skills, and general civic engagement activities in Khormaksar district. At the conclusion of the workshops, three ideas were voted upon as possible PYCE mini-grants because the ideas involve engaging with local authorities as well as other youth in Khormaksar. They include: painting Abyan Beach Road public benches; planting trees at the Medical College of Aden University; and beautifying a Khormaksar Ministry of Health clinic.

In Sanaa, 9 youth alumni of U.S. Government programming (5 males, 4 females) were invited to attend a similar set of week-long workshops as in Aden. One mini-grant will be selected in the coming week.

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